Grillevent 2024: Two anniversaries and a musical highlight

Grillevent 2024: Zwei Jubiläen und musikalische Begleitung

There were many reasons for a memorable celebration at this year's barbecue event: First, there was the excellent weather and the great culinary program. And then there were the two anniversaries of WALTER IMMOBILIEN and WALTER BUSINESS-PARK. The latter is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, while WALTER IMMOBILIEN is celebrating a proud 20 years.


The 50 years of real estate expertise were celebrated with an atmospheric performance by the band RED, which sees itself as a tribute band to Simply Red and includes a professional (metalworker) who regularly works for our companies. Culinary delights for the almost 350 guests included a classic barbecue buffet and refreshing summer drinks such as Limoncello Sprizz or Wildberry Lillet.


We would like to thank all participants for coming and are already looking forward to the next party!